Our Contributors
A lot of work happens behind the scenes here in Aasiaat, from all our guides to international visitors who help take bookings or even help look after our dogs. We're so grateful for all the time and work they've put into helping us that we have set aside this small part of the internet to introduce them to you and let them tell you about their time in Aasiaat.
Feb - April 2017
My name is Adelle, I came to help out in Aasiaat in late February. My time here has been varied and the greatest opportunity! I've helped out at Honest Greenland by assisting with the website, answering customer queries, negotiating contracts with our local dog sledders and kayak guides, making templates for future people who come to help and preparing budgets and quotes.
It has been amazing to watch how much the weather changes over these short months, when I first arrived the sun was gone by 1700h, but now it doesn't seem to completely set anymore! It has been an incredible adventure here that I cannot describe. The people are very kind and friendly and I've been overwhelmed by the hospitality I've been awarded during my stay.